Corporate Social Investment

LeMark Training & Development believes in supporting projects that contribute to the development of communities, notably in education, health, welfare and job creation. We are committed to building sound relationships with stakeholders and role-players (employees, customers, suppliers, government and local communities), taking into account their needs, values and cultures.

On 26 June 2008 Lemark Training and development hosted a golf day at Silver Lakes Country Club in Pretoria. All proceeds were donated to the Walter Sisulu Pediatric Cardiac Centre for Africa.

Walter Sisulu’s dream was that the children of Africa will be looked after to grow into strong and productive adults who will stand tall and help build our nation.

With this being closely in line with Lemarks’ vision to continue to develop South Africans at all levels of the Public and Private sectors in the spirit of Batho Pele, Lemark was proud to get involved.

Many thanks to the sponsors of the day which included SAB miller, The Manhattan Hotel, Farm Inn, Budget Rent-a–car, SA women golfer magazine, Makro Centurion, Virgin Active, Woolworths Menlyn, Golf USA, Jenna Clifford, Touchline Media Golf digest, PC Palace, The Premier Hotel, Spa Betesda, Peermont Global, Vusalela Day Spa, BMW Menlyn Auto, Lennings Dec and NJ Construction.